Multipress Functionality

We have developed the revolutionary Omnipress® Technology - which means you can press anywhere on the stapler body with less force than normal staplers.


Multipress Functionality

How it works

Experience yourself how the Omnipress® Technology works and get the boost of power.

Rapid Supreme Omnipress Fullstrip Συρραπτικό SO30

Rapid Supreme Omnipress Fullstrip Συρραπτικό SO30

Rapid Supreme Omnipress Συμπαγές Σύρραπτικό SO30c

Rapid Supreme Omnipress Συμπαγές Σύρραπτικό SO30c

Rapid Supreme Omnipress Fullstrip Συρραπτικό SO60

Rapid Supreme Omnipress Fullstrip Συρραπτικό SO60

Rapid Omnipress 30 Σύρματα

Rapid Omnipress 30 Σύρματα

Rapid Omnipress 60 Σύρματα

Rapid Omnipress 60 Σύρματα